Improving your health and wellness at home
If you are facing challenges from the loss of functional mobility, or pain from a chronic illness, injury, or surgery, you may benefit from our physical therapy services. Our skilled physical therapists can help improve and restore your strength, mobility, and functional abilities. We provide training to reduce fall risks for seniors or help children gain balance and mobility functions. Whatever it is, we always take the time and effort to understand your individual needs so we can deliver the best services and achieve positive results.
You can depend on our therapists to deliver treatments tailored to your needs. Here are the services we provide to address each concern:
- Functional Mobility Training
- Gross Motor Coordination
- Gait Training
- Transfer Training
- Bed Mobility Training
- Educate Patients and Caregivers
- Develop Home Exercise Programs
- Assess Patients Needs for Assistive Devices
- Manual Therapy Techniques
- Soft Tissue Manipulation
- Myofascial Techniques
- Fall Risk Reduction
- Home Safety Evaluations
Ready to get started? Contact us today!